About Rajnish Sharma
Age 41 - 50 Years
Gender Male
Years of Military Service 6 – 10 Yrs
About me
Responsibilities of Company Chief Security Officer (CCSO)
Requirement as specified in Ministry of Defence – Security Manual
Each ILDC or its multi location units shall appoint an Indian Citizen as the CCSO, the CCSO should be an ex-Army/CPMF/Police Officer who would ensure that security measures necessary for implementing applicable provisions of this Manual are in place and the manual is being implemented in the true spirit of the intention.
The CCSO will be responsible for
- Framing internal security policies.
- Internal Audit.
- Review and up-dation of Security procedures.
- Up-gradation of Security Equipment etc.
- Liaison with other Departments / Organizations, Civil and Law Enforcement Authorities and Intelligence Agencies of Centre and State, etc.
The CCSO may be assisted by additional staff based on requirement and size of the company and should report directly to CEO or Executive Head of the Company.
Responsibilities and Duties of CCSO
- To implement the security provisions as laid down in this Manual.
- To clearly demarcate the areas as Sensitive/Classified area/zone/manufacturing facility where the work related to MoD Project is going on and ensure that necessary boards indicating such areas are displayed.
- To keep himself fully conversant with all security instructions and ensure that the security instructions are fully understood by all employees and are implemented or complied with, within their respective sections and offices.
- To be responsible for the proper conduct, discipline and performance of all the personnel in Security department.
- To be responsible and ensure that fire service section is fully equipped and personnel are well trained. He shall take prompt action whenever necessity arises.
- To be responsible for the duties of his subordinate staff and carry out any other lawful and reasonable orders issued to him by management.
- To carry out periodic surprise checks and maintain a record of such checks.
- To submit report to the CEO/Head of the sub units/division of the company indicating lapses noticed by him as and when it occurs.
- To arrange regular programs to apprise the employees on security matters.
- To maintain constant liaison with law enforcing agencies and nodal offices in Ministries.
- To carry out improvement in the security system for the premises under his charge, as required, over and above the security manual.
- To arrange Internal & External Security Audits.
- Impart training to assemblers at assembly shop
- Attend and manage product trials at various defence organization
- Shoulder other tasks as and when need arises