About Anurag Chhabra
Age 51 - 60 Years
Gender Male
Retirement date 31-08-2019
Years of Military Service 30+ years
Service Indian Army
Branch Indian Army
About me
Seasoned Army Veteran with an impressive 37-year tenure in Human Resource Management & Development, General Administration, Project Management and Strategy Planning. After a distinguished career in the Indian Army as an Engineer, I am now resolute to embark on a second career. My vast experience, coupled with sharp decision-making and innovative thinking, drives me to bring substantial value to a company. I excel in aligning human and material resources with a commitment to core values, facilitating strategic objectives. As a dedicated and experienced professional avidly seek the position of Registrar / HR Manager, being adept at bringing a strong background in employee records management, administrative leadership with an imbued commitment to ensuring academic excellence.